The Different Types of Diesel Injectors


Diesel injectors are a crucial component of the fuel system, delivering a precise amount of atomized and pressurized diesel fuel into every engine cylinder. They improve combustion efficiency, provide smoother operation, and help to reduce exhaust emissions, making them an important part of any diesel vehicle.

Injector Types

There are many different types of dieselogic fuel injectors, from those that utilize a mechanical system to those that use computer chips. Each one has its own unique features and functions.

Piezo Electric Units: Unlike earlier common-rail injector systems that used a solenoid, modern diesel injectors use piezoelectricity to regulate the pressures and release the fuel. These injectors are very accurate and can handle high pressures.

Smart Units: Besides using a piezoelectric system, this type of injector uses computer chips to control its injection opening pressure and meter the fuel flow to each cylinder. These injectors can also vary their injection timing and fire multiple injection events.

These injectors are referred to as "smart" because they are controlled electronically by the ECM, or the electronic control module of the engine. This ECM enables the injector to dispense fuel at an optimal time and in an ideal quantity. For more information about diesel injectors, go right here.

They can also meter fuel in accordance to the fuel requirements of a specific engine cycle and help reduce exhaust emissions by accurately distributing atomized diesel into each cylinder.

The injection of a small amount of air to help atomize the fuel is an integral part of the fuel injector process. This air, when combined with the vaporized fuel, entrained into the combustion chamber, provides oxygen to ensure that complete combustion takes place.

Various sensors, including an electronic trigger and needle lift sensor, are also used to determine when the injector nozzle is open. Several sensors also provide data to the engine's ECM, which then calculates the exact injection timing and amounts of fuel that each cylinder needs.

Start of Injection (SOI): SOI is the first injection that takes place after the crank angle is reached. The SOI is usually indicated by the ECM, which will notify the driver via a dashboard display when it has occurred.

SOI is calculated by the ECM based on several factors, including ambient air temperature and other engine control sensor information. The ECM then sends a signal to the injectors, causing them to open.

This can cause the engine to run rough and knock when you turn the key on or when you put it into drive. It may also affect your mileage and fuel economy.

Keeping your injectors clean can keep them functioning at peak performance levels and help to reduce maintenance costs by improving mileage. Some additives can be poured into the fuel tank to discourage heavy buildup and maintain clean injectors.

Cleaning your injectors is a simple process that should be done at every service. You can even try pouring a fuel additive into the tank every 2,000 to 5,000 miles to prevent the accumulation of buildup and dirt. Check out this post for more details related to this article:

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